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When do I have time? Vol.1:4, 2 of 2

May 11, 2021, by Patience Phillips

Business Learner Series. Volume 1: Article 4, Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 of 2 here)

Welcome to Simple One Step Success Your Value Expands Your Personal Brand blog. With empowering happiness through literacy expert, Patience Phillips @AskMissPatience, on knowledge to understand for the wisdom of insight in choices guidance. Inviting you to participate in this year's series. Where Patience and top-level experts share how to value and expand your personal brand elevation. Taking life and business to the next level forecasting dreams to reality.

Remember that if you don’t prioritize your life someone else will Greg McKeown

A sole proprietor to a brick and mortal mogul wants the same thing, success.

This ten-part series will provide many tools and connections to gain momentum. Based on feedback the follow-up series will provide strategies and demonstrations for building with tools necessary in business today.

No matter if an influencer with a million followers or a youth living on the streets with a dream. We all begin somewhere. In this blog, the focus is ‘When do I have time’ successfully?

This series of ten blogs answers many questions I’ve had personally, clients repeat and listened to publishing buddies struggle with over the years. The purpose is transformative.

Simple One Step Success, Your Value Expands Your Personal Brand ten-part series blog and podcast will include the feedback. Readers and listeners like yourself who apply choices to assist progress toward achievement.

What I know for sure, every step fills a journey over time by asking oneself, “When do I have time?”

Efforts to deepen your focus will struggle if you don’t simultaneously wean your mind from a dependence on distraction Cal Newport

This blog is the beginning, middle, or end guide for improvement with ideas to create white space meaning room on the calendar for what is important and creativity. Breaking bad habits that do not serve the forecast to dream ritual ability.

Introduce creating a clock guide to forecast goal to dream rituals. Without reinventing your wheel bandwidth. Using an easily accessible reference section with links to resources.

Blog five of this series links to free guide sheets for ideas personalizing the forecast to dreams does come true success. Assistance making time work for, instead of against, you.

Yes, designing time. Who knew?

Continue, When do I have time? Volume 1: Article 4 of 10. Part 2 of 2 (Part 1: #1-3 click here)

4. Forecast Guide tool for download

Creating a personalized strategy for today to develop tomorrow toward dreams become reality is subjective even if we have specific tools.

If you have never been taught how to create or manage white space to forecast with your dreams the likelihood life is filled with responsibilities and the potential for midlife crisis or post 50's doubts when a job is lost, retirement shows up, not enough savings for retirement, death of a loved one, pandemic or catastrophic weather, more.

Basically choices were made through life for all sorts of reasons nurturing the loss of that dream all due to not knowing possibilities for creating space. Blog three addresses ideas for dealing with these happenstances. Click here if you missed this.

Considering every influence of my life from Covey to Meltzer based on time and two-plus decades of using my own development toward building a guide that works for me created a group of fun templates to help you explore what resonates for you included in blog five.

If you're a sophisticated time manager would highly recommend Franklin Covey planner binder and planner pages:

The Five Choices training is a fantastic option if you have the money and time to invest in being coached. When I took the overview training had so much invested in working what I learned studying with Covey courses through a position that the trainer evaluating who the course would benefit told me I didn't need it. Even being a time management queen does not mean I plow through life like a bull dozer. Although watching me you might think this when I was younger. When not in public is a whole different world for me today. Drawing on energy differently. Privately choices when few or just me and the fluff crew meaning not human team members are onsite know I organize space to accomplish goals depending on my self-care routine.

As I'm typing this my current proscription from the VA counselor is "rest your brain". To me this means recalculating data and prioritizing wellness. There are moments I take the day for rest or vary creative project focus. Everything else melts away. Trusting what still needs done is waiting when returning to the grind.

Why do I need to rest my brain? Things from a military career and what followed took a toll on my mental well being and health. Now, partnering with my projects and purpose work with a strategy that affords me to do everything when not always doing anything.

Stillness Stimulation Solutions is little to no outward activity while the mind is facilitating rest, healing, answers, and or creativity

What I know for sure is forecasting changes and strategies is a part of life's journey. No one I have read or studied with promotes creating personal strategies for time management that are self designed. Which is great if this works for someone. Like, my son uses Trello. I used Covey then invented a new annual measuring tool system.

With this in mind created fun templates users can rethink and modify any way that works for them, their family, friends, even office.

Experimentation is a creativity on fire in action.

How I use to do things was often to help set an example for my son. Today, honing into my creativity does not lend well to deadlines nor one project at a time anal retentiveness promoted by SO many strategy guides and influencers.

What does really work is focusing on one big thing for a day or block of time. Multitasking does not move the needle like focus or so determines the research.

Another disruptor for me is on the way to done completely change how designs of projects or outcomes because a better result arrives that will work best for the long term.

The lessons learned were invaluable to pass onto you.

Example many humans can relate to, had this idea of what I thought parenting should look like via setting a time management example. Scheduled almost every moment in search of space to build my author dream. Full time parenting under the conditions outside my control not being mentioned here were a total challenge.

This put a ridiculous amount of pressure on myself above the circumstances involved. Double jeopardy kinda pressure. What I laugh now is how epically tool time designer oriented my son is today. And, how my example helped him create a super life and salary success from what works for him. Goal accomplished. At what cost?

Meanwhile back at my reality ranch today, 'where's my calendar? What day is today?' Forever explaining the phone alarm reminders if forgotten to turn them off before a meeting.

For me, time is relative and really does not exist. Unless there is a deadline. Otherwise, focus on mindfulness and now. This power explodes creativity in ways could not have otherwise leverage. Alarms help remind what day it is and where I need to be if I am scheduled. Such as a board meeting.

The created trajectory is virtually no schedule. Set up production and writing, then schedule for release with tools. Meaning if a ten part series is being launched, the date set for launch is not a pressure on the project. This leads to strain and is not optimal for where I am in the process of building the business.

This said, where you are in the walk to success may afford different organizational methods. When deciding how to create white space and stillness stimulation solutions agree the journey is never the same path for everyone. Organizations agree to produce outcomes for or with require a method chosen daily. With the space of the calendar not grounded in requirements can allow creativity that pleases.

Freedom arrives when we are focused on what we can do about time. Not what we can not, at any particular moment

My creativity goal is dwelling in stillness stimulation constantly. Endless amounts of it with you, dear reader who might want to talk on the phone, zoom, have lunch and ask questions. Or, listen to answers. How might I be of service requires plenty of white space. Practicing toward mastery to get to this point will never end as I am always of beginners mindset.

Now, what works best and is most helpful tool, for me, is a huge desk calendar. Writing an appointment reminder down with Pocket with daily and year at a glance to write something down. And, iPhone alert reminders.

Why not use google or some other tool?

Writing something in pencil helps me remember easier. The VA suggested after extensive testing I would benefit from writing scheduling items down. Then, check on a daily basis. Tried a Wordsworth planner. Set the whole thing up and the pandemic hit. Response to the funk that followed, bought a pocket planner and then I would transfer the item to the large desk calendar. I use to do a month at a glance. I've used Franklin Covey. I've tried digital calendars. Created and printed calendar pages from Microsoft word for many years.

Why not set the phone calendar since I use hourly alarm reminders, right? My son explained the app for Trello plus they have a course. My learning curve needs more space to acclimate to the tools offered. Decided to stick with simple and keep this available for next year when I have more space to adjust to this option which he swears is the king of task management. A part of time management.

My son shared he asks himself is this best done now, or added to a list. He's very good at saying no and identifying what he needs. Then, adjusting. He is a prime example of what ideals look like if you master self care and are a husband, friend, plus professional leader.

My roll does not include setting an example any longer as a mom full time. Now, focus on creativity and learning. Identifying what is needed for success. Like hiring a new house keeper to do a few tasks when the renovations are complete. Dog hair management has its own category for the German Shepherd floof distribution center. Pretty much everywhere.

Another need is several types of editors and a writing crew. Similar to Tolkien and Lewis or Shelley and Byron. This is where the CHILL Hub will really help.

Unless career and or life require a schedule a certain way the possibilities are endless of how to figure this out. What is important is understanding what knowledge is available for wisdom of insight to choices.

If options appear limited with a limited knowledge could be causing stress. This in turn often disrupts success. Example, you are too tired to workout late in the day when spent all energy on everyone else's needs. Switch, get up in the morning an hour before required to get ready for work. End the day an hour earlier. Put self-care first. Feel empowered to have a great day.

If you look good you'll feel good, Meaghan P O'Connor

Strategizing space forecasting dreams to success requires knowing what method works best for one self. Whether creating tools or exploring with what to purchase takes thought.

Franklin Covey planner style:

Johnny Dumas has a focus goal journal:

This blog will cure life of happenstance. The tool tips and forecast journal ideas being released can plant ideas to master scheduling. Ideas to help plant the forest to be through the legacy built to pass on.

Practicing strategies for creating white space for becoming an author is very different than being a mom who schedules for spa time and whatever this means for her self-care or a bromance night hanging with buddies.

Chad Ryan shares a free course with a section on how to reconfigure schedules to become the author you always wanted to be now. Click here to port there or visit the Blog References for more ideas.

Remember no matter what you decide include self-care as the top principle choice. Click here to visit blog one 'Where do I start?' with ideas to accomplish this.

Find what does not work. Focus on what does work.

If you want to be successful in a specific field like speaking, writing a song, leadership, comedy, happiness, more. Check out the reference section.

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What are your thoughts on time? Did you find any of the insights in this post especially useful? What books or clips not in the reference section would you recommend, and why?

Have a question for me? Connect on LinkedIn and Goodreads. If I am is not able to assist am happy to refer you to someone who may be able to. If you know anyone else who may benefit from this post, please be sure to pass this blog on.

Thank you for reading

Blog five digs deep using journaling to discover, “How do I forecast dreams?"

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Reference tools for success

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